Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Joy of Baking

I love to cook and bake.  It is a big creative outlet for me.  I don't want to sacrifice that love for the sake of my crusade to bring health into our house.  There must be a way to compromise.  So today I made angel food cupcakes for a friend, with a little batter left over to make a small cake for my family.  Angel food cake has zero fat and low calories, though it does require real sugar and a tiny bit of cake flour.  Substitutes just don't work.  As far as baked goods go, there are worse things I could make.  And after my one piece, I ordered Ernie to take the rest with him to work.  No harm, no foul.  I can't decide if this is a healthy way of dealing with this issue, or if it is a way to make excuses.  I mean, I have found ways to bake things that are healthy.  No oil, no sugar, no flour.  My list of recipes is getting quite long and I could have made one of those.  But I enjoy making cakes. 

Here's the thing.  Food doesn't just feed our bodies.  It feeds our souls.  From the preparation to the presentation to the consumption, it is a way to connect.  With each other, with the earth, and with ourselves.  I just don't want to give that up.  That said, I enjoy the challenge of making healthy meals exciting and beautiful and delicious.  I suppose I need to stick with that and leave the cake making for special occasions.

Today I ate:

6 ounce green smoothie
2 cups of coffee
6 ounce green smoothie
4 almonds
1 piece of angel food cake
Steak with caramelized onions
1 glass of wine


50 minute spin class
2 hours Dance Trance!!!

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